...so I decided I should probably get back into this whole blogging thing! I know I have been out of the swing of things but I think it will be a good thing for me to get back in the habit of doing! So I am going to start out by blogging about CHRISTMAS!!!!!! (For those of you that do not know me very well....well Christmas is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE time of the year!) I am happier this time of year than I am most of the year....and yes Louise I know I should be happy all the time :P. But there is just something about getting a REAL tree and digging out all, and when I say all I mean all, of our Christmas stuff!! One thing my mom handed down to all three of us is our ability to collect more Christmas stuff than anything else! I mean seriously it took me and Laurie a FULL week of decorating with some help from Louise, Dirt, and Nathan on occasion! :) But even though I do not love devoting a whole week to it, after its done I am so excited and happy its out I find myself going to bed smiling and even getting up smiling when I walk by the living room and see the lights are on from the tree! I JUST LOVE IT!!!
And I love, LOVE buying gifts for Christmas! I always try to see if I can get the best presents....especially for Laurie and Louise! It is so fun to listen actively from about July on (the reason for July is bc honestly we start shopping off QVC in July because of the Christmas in July special they run...and well we got it honest from my dad's side of the family...its only right! :)). SO needless to say I am always so excited about getting their presents! But this year I am most excited about Dad's present from Me and Nate :) I can't write it on here like I did last year because Dad has a blog now but I am super excited about opening gifts there this year!
I also love going to look at all the Christmas lights! They are so much fun and I just love it! I like to take a cup of hot chocolate and bundle up and go look at all of them! Don't worry after I look at them I will blog more and with pictures! :)
Well I guess that is it for today! I am really excited about Girls' Night tonight at Kim's house for our ornament swap! It is so fun! :) I promise I will be better about blogging! :)
****16 days til CHRISTMAS!!!!****
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's been a while I know....
Posted by Leigh at 10:04 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My New Thing....
...is working with the prison ministry! I had been thinking about it for a while and decided that the next training class I would go to it...so i did. I was a bit nervous but Louise, Dirt, Nathan and Kristen all were going too so it made me feel a little bit better! The training class was interesting to say the least!
After about 3 weeks Mrs. Karen got in touch with Louise and told her that I was good to go and I could start going with Louise when I wanted to. So I told Louise I would go with her the next time she went...well she had to fill in for someone that next week so I was on my way to my 1st trip to Tutwiler!
Well June 30th came and I was SUPER nervous! Oh man was I nervous!!! But I loaded up with Louise and Michelle Latham and we headed to Wetumpka! I was getting an ulcer I was getting so nervous! So we got there and it all started and it was GREAT (even though one woman walked up to me at the end of class and told me I looked SUPER nervous...and well I had to admit I was!!!!)!!! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Louise's lesson and putting my 2 cents in where I felt it was needed. it was wonderful! All the ladies just love all of the New Life Behavior women that come and especially "Black Molly" AKA Mrs. Elizabeth! :)
It was an amazing experience for me and I really think this is going to help me to grow stronger and delve deeper into the Bible...because those women READ THEIR BIBLE and will challenge you to everything and want to know your opinion of a verse and I don't like to be unprepared which I know sometimes you will be but I want to have some kind of knowledge! I am very encouraged by these women and please keep all of them in your prayers! Some of them have families that wont speak to them and that never have visitors so we really are all they have and we are responsible for teaching them about the Bible. So please just keep this ministry in your prayers. I am sure I will have some good stories for you later!
Posted by Leigh at 7:53 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Things I am Thankful for...
My dad wrote a blog similar to this last week sometime and I was reading it and it struck a cord with me...and boy have I needed a little wake up call to really how truly blessed I am....so in an attempt to be like my daddy I am going to list somethings I am so very thankful for.
First and foremost I am thankful for God and Jesus. I am so very thankful for my loving and forgiving Father. And our Savior that went to the cross for all of our sins. I would be nothing without Him.
I am so extremely thankful for my family. I have been so blessed to have the most amazing parents that have taught me so many lessons and that with God ANYTHING truly is possible. I have the most amazing sisters anyone could ever ask for! They will support any kind of party I have and normally have a party themselves!! (Premiere, Thirty One, Partylite, etc. :)) All in all they are pretty amazing!!!I am thankful for Laurie and the fact that she is always there no matter what! I am thankful for Louise and her kind nature and always being calm even when she is aggravated with me! I also have the best brother!!! (In law :)) he is great and will always come to my defense no matter what!! It is nice to have a brother finally! I am so thankful for my relationships I have with my Aunts and Uncles! I don't know if my childhood could have been any better living so close to both sides of my family...GinGin, Kaka, and Aunt Beth are the best!!! (And all the uncles are too...just alot more of them to name!) I also have the most amazing sets of grandparents! Grandma is such an example of a strong Christian woman and I could not be any more thankful that she is in my life! Nana and Papa are so devoted to the Philippine missions and so generous!
I am so thankful for Nathan. He puts up with alot from me and I know I am not the easiest person to date, but he still sticks by...even when its really hard too. I am glad he is in my life and very thankful for his patience.
I am so thankful for Mrs. Strange. She was my kindergarten teacher and she is one of the most positive people I know. She is always there to listen and give GREAT advice. And she also taught me about "Germs" :)
I am thankful for the struggles that I have went through in the past 5 years. Some life changing some not so much but struggles none the less. They have taught me patience and what unconditional love really is. I hope if anything ever happens to me that I have a devoted spouse and children that no matter will be at my side and be my cheerleaders. I am so very thankful for those struggles I truly wouldn't be the person I am today provided I wouldn't have gone through those tough times.
I am thankful for my disappointments, they have taught me not to always rely on other people to do things...sometimes you must do things yourself.
I am thankful for Blake and Adam for not being afraid to stand up and fight for our country and our freedom. Even if it means dying.
I am thankful for those Army wives, Tay, for being strong and knowing the risk and consequences of marrying a military man.
I am so very thankful for my true friends. Few and far between but mean more than anything to me! Thanks for always being there and just listening! Sometimes that is all I need!
Those are just a few things right of the cuff! I am sure i have left something out because the blog that had everything in it would be FOREVER long! I hope that everyone is alittle uplifted today and I hope that even if you don't blog about it you can take sometime to think about all the blessings you have and be thankful for them! We are all truly blessed!
Posted by Leigh at 7:23 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's officially been a YEAR!!!
Well today officially makes it a year that Nathan and I have been together. I know kinda crazy! It has been quite a year....full of many ups and downs but all that have made us closer and better! He is my heart and I love him oh so much! Its not easy dating me or trying to date me...trust me Laurie can attest to that...she tells me sometimes that I need to ease up...so I know it hasn't always been easy for him! But he has taught me alot of the past year some of these things include: Patience, loving unconditionally no matter what, anything worth having takes work, that dating a Christian man is amazing...its nice to have someone who is active in church and isn't afraid of leading a prayer! It is amazing. I just love him and I am so glad he is in my life! Here are just a few pictures from the past year! One day I am going to get around to scrapbooking these! :)
This is at the festival there in Adairsville!
This is at Taylor's surprise party we planned for him! :)
Overall this year has been amazing! I am so thankful for Nate and I can't wait to see what the future holds! Love you Nate!
Posted by Leigh at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Another week has passed....
...so its time for another blog! Life has seemed to be so busy recently! this past weekend for Mother's day Louise, Dirt, Nathan and I got to go up and see Mom for mother's day! It was great to get to just be up there with no plans and just to hang out with her and play games. Nathan and I got there Saturday afternoon and met up with mom, dad, Dirt and Louise for Supper at Lalito's and it was delicious! Then we went home and sat for a few minutes then it was time for games...so while daddy worked on the last minute stuff for church we played Dominos and when dad got ready he came in and we started playing Hand and Foot partners! It was so much fun! (Dad and I were partners and of course we won!! =)) I really think it made mom's whole weekend us playing both games that she loves! And i wont lie it made mine and Louise's weekend pretty good too!! Sunday we got up and gave mom her Mother's day stuff and got ready for church. She looked so pretty! And you could tell she was so happy! We got to church and Nathan led singing and Dad delivered an AMAZING mothers day lesson! During the singing it was hard for Louise and I to sing because one of the ladies whose husband is in the hospital just cried through the whole thing...which you would've thought it was my husband the way I was crying! I finally had to have a heart to heart with myself and pull it together! It was ridiculous! After church we went and ate at Ichiban's which is comparable to Shogun and it was GREAT!!! Mom thoroughly enjoyed herself I think!
After that we did some visiting to the hospital and to one of mom and dads dear friends that is dying with Breast cancer. It was so sad to see how the disease has really taken a toll on her and her body. Made me that much more grateful to have my momma and that she is healthy and alive. Then we left her house to come back to the house long enough to change kiss mom and dad bye and get on the road to Nathan's house so he could see his momma.
We got to Adairsville in time to meet his family at church. I think his momma was so happy to see him she just about cried. She loves her baby boy that's for sure! They are always so excited when we come to town! After church was over we went and ate at El Napol (my FAVORITE Mexican place ever!!!) and it was GREAT!! (It was Mrs. Jacki's choice to go there by the way!) And I also got a free t shirt :) I was excited! We then went to their house and visited with them for a couple hours and gave Mrs. Jacki her mother's day present. Nathan and Emily got her a new cartridge for her Cricut machine and she loved it! We left there about 10:30 and headed home!
All in all it was a GREAT weekend!! I love getting to have stress-free weekends with my momma. She is amazing and I am so blessed to have her in my life! I love her so so so much and I hope her mother's day was the best ever!
Posted by Leigh at 7:41 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Little Bit of Life...
...man oh man does it seem like months since I have been on here...not just 2 weeks! It is crazy the amount of stuff that has gone on over the past 2 weeks! So here is a recap of my life and all the chaos over the last 2 weeks!
- LAURIE GOT TELECOMMUNICATOR OF THE YEAR!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Louise and I went and you would've thought we were her proud parents the way we were snapping pictures! We were so excited for her!! I made her come in my office and show everyone! I was so pumped and proud!! LOVE YOU LAURIE~YOU ALWAYS MAKE US PROUD!!!! :) Louise and I are blessed to have you for our sister!!!
- We had to bury 2 of our Faulkner Football players....obviously I don't need to elaborate on this one...if you want the whole scoop visit http://laurierwalker.blogspot.com/ and that will explain everything...but needless to say its been pretty sad around here.
- I had my Thirty One party...and I am not bragging by any means but I sold $800 worth and got $250 in free product!!! I WAS STOKED!!! But I couldn't have done it without the help of all my friends!! THANKS GUYS!!! Ya'll are the best!
- I have started my own FarmTown! (For all of you that laugh its addicting....I have never had an addiction before so this is kinda I guess what it feels like or so Nate says its like...its sick but Louise, Michelle, and Molly can all vouch! Its crazy!!!) And I will have to say my farm is stinking amazing!! (GinGin I am glad you have gotten into it!! :))
- I have had so much work with camps this year!! Its ridiculous the amount of camps and weeks I have had to re-work this year.
- We had Cornerstone tryouts....let me preface this by saying its my least favorite day of the year!! Especially when all of the old ones are trying out again!! It was rough...one of the returning members wasn't selected to come back.
Well I guess that sums it up!! I will post more often now hopefully!!! :)
Posted by Leigh at 10:57 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Yesterday we found out that 2 of our Faulkner football players were killed in an accident coming back to school yesterday early morning. As I sit here and think about that I just can not imagine the pain and agony that their families are suffering. I walk around campus and all I see is all these boys so sad and distraught. I see friends of theirs just looking pitiful and I think about how lucky I am.
I had a HUGE project for work that I was working on all day yesterday (Literally from 8 am to 7 pm). And even though my mind had to be focused on it, I found myself drifting back to thinking about it and how bad those families must be hurting. After my project was done I went and sat in the Grill with some friends. We reflected on it all 4 of us but it was when 2 of them left that really opened my eyes. Brooke Bailey I think is truly a God sent angel into my life. We sat there after the boys had left and we talked about everything that had gone on. And she let me into some parts of her life about how she lost one of her best friends last year and how hard it was for her. It just breaks my heart and got me thinking. I have never really experienced death with close friends and family. My granddaddy dying in June of 99 was the only close relative that really affected me. (Don't get me wrong I have been to a TON of funerals and probably will go to alot more if I live long enough but none have been within my immediately family) I can not imagine losing anyone really close to me. I am blessed beyond belief and I can not say enough how thankful I am. I know this blog kinda is random and all over the place but its just somethings that I have been thinking about. Please please please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers as the next couple of days and weeks are going to be so extremely tough.
Also, with all the activities of yesterday I didn't get to get on here but it was daddy's 53rd birthday!!! Happy Birthday Daddy!! And don't worry your 53 things is coming!!! :)
Posted by Leigh at 9:37 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Yes I am a nerd and a PROUD Republican!!
So I know I am officially nerd status....and really I found that out when I said something that Bill O'Riley always says and my sisters called me out about it....but today I am so excited about going to the Tea Party in downtown Montgomery!!! Laurie, Louise, Dustin and I are going to participate in our (I think) 1st ever Tea Party for all of us!! I have been watching Fox News all week...I mean granted I do anyways but especially paying attention this week! I so wish I was in Atlanta and I could go see Sean Hannity and Rick and Bubba!!! That is where the real republican party will be!!! :) Ok and I think my nerd status my be upped a little when I tell you that I wore a red sweater with a white undershirt and navy blue pants today!! Hey I am proud to be an American!!! Just remember freedom isn't free and we wouldn't be where we are without all those who have fought for our freedom!! Hope everyone has a happy Tax Day/Tea Party!! (Also notice my new background!!)
Watch this!~ If it doesn't make you proud I don't know what will!!
Sorry if this offends any crazy dems but its my blog! :) Don't read it if you don't like it! :)
Posted by Leigh at 7:50 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's just one of those days and I was thinking...
- Will I ever be to the point that I don't have to work?
- Will I ever really truly learn patience?????
- Will I ever feel like I am at least ok and paid up on bills and still have some money left over?
- Why does one little thing determine my day sometimes??
- Will I ever learn how to diffuse my stress?
- How come does it rain when it pours?
- Why won't these kids call me back that I am calling?
- Will I ever be as patient and kind hearted as Louise is with her Prison Ministry??? She writes them cards every week!!
- Will I ever be as tender hearted and thoughtful as Laurie is in the Philippine mission field? I have never seen someone who has so much love for something and how happy it makes her!
- Will I ever be as good as my mom has always been? She has given us the world even if it took her giving everything she had. She is amazing and I just hope one day when I have kids I can do as good of a job as she did with us...well with Louise at least :^) (Just kidding Laurie :))
- I absolutely love spring weather!!
- how I wish I was at the beach this week instead of sitting in my office!!
- Will I ever feel like I am successful??
What is on your mind today??
Posted by Leigh at 8:48 AM 4 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Well its that time that Laurie, Daddy, Nana and Papa are all traveling home! Please please please keep them continually in your prayers for a safe journey! Lord willing they should arrive all safely to their respective destinations by 9:30 pm tomorrow night! They touched so many lives while over there and I know it is going to be especially hard for Laurie coming back. She really does love everything about being over there! And it just makes my heart so sad that she is so sad leaving them. But I know she has done such good work there and I know the people over there are so grateful for her!! =) Thanks for all the prayers so far!
Posted by Leigh at 11:54 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
23 Things About Nate
Well as I sit here and I am watching Kristen and 2 of her friends play Rock Band on Nate's wii, I think that Nate's 23rd birthday has come and gone and I didn't even blog about it!!! So here goes nothing!!!
- He is from Adairsville, GA. Born and raised there.
- All of his family lives within 45 minutes of their house. (Both sides of his family)
- He has 2 best friends that he grew up with and still are his best friends.
- His Nannie Margaret thinks he hung the moon.
- He wants to work with computers after school.
- He loves to read.
- He loves to give to other people.
- He will stand up for himself.
- He is starting to see that he should've listened to his momma growing up and now he is trying to tell his sister too and gets frustrated when she doesn't.
- He loves playing rock band!!
- He will sit and watch all my shows with me and doesn't complain.
- He is the only boy that has ever hand made me a card and set a whole day of surprises up for me on a day I needed it most!
- He enjoy finding out everything about me...my deepest darkest secrets.
- He is a pretty good house keeper....(as good a guy can be living in a house full of boys!)
- He is his momma's pride and joy....she loved him first.
- He has a loud obnoxious truck that I absolutely can not wait til he gets it quieted. But really I always know when he is coming.
- He reads the Bible with me and prays with me every night before bed.
- He absolutely loves to sing...and does it ALL THE TIME!!! But if he's not singing then I know he is not in a good mood.
- He is finally starting to enjoy being a big brother to Emily.
- He is a Georgia fan but I am slowly turning him a little bit on to Tennessee :)
- He loves little kids....and doesn't get scared when I say I want kids. (obviously not any time soon =))
- He loves going home and being able to talk to his Dad and play with and teach him about new electronics!
- And last but not least he will order me an extra cheese with my nachos without me having to ask him =)
Posted by Leigh at 7:38 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Continued Prayers!
Well Laurie and Dad made it to the Philippines and successfully met up with Nana and Papa. =) Me and Louise talked to them yesterday morning about 11 from Manila and we called mom and put her on speaker phone so we could all talk...it was a little loud for my office but luckily all the visitors were out on tour! But last night while we were bowling with the young professionals from church she sent me and email telling me to get on Skype but me and Louise couldn't manage to get it to come up on the wireless. So last night I kept my work phone on so when she sent me an email it would wake me up and I could just roll over and flip open the computer and talk to her and dad. Well at about 3:55 this morning it went off and I rolled over and I think dad was shocked that I was awake and calling but I just wanted to make sure I got to talk to them! It was so good to be able to talk to Daddy, Nana and Papa. Laurie was in the shower so I will be talking to her later this afternoon. And I think Daddy and Nana and Papa were hungry and wanted to go eat so they didn't stay on the phone or Skype long with me. :) But I am glad everything is going so well for them!! Please continue to keep them in your prayers!!
Posted by Leigh at 7:11 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
SNOW DAY!!!! =)
YAY for the *SNOW DAY* !! Sunday was probably one of the most fun days I have had in a long time!! It was wrapping up a jamboree weekend at Faulkner and one of my very best friends, Seth had been in town all weekend!! (Even though I am just now realizing I didn't even get a picture with him!!!! I am such a bad friend sometimes!! But he knows I love him!!) But Laurie woke me up Sunday morning so we could play in the snow...well 1st thing in the morning I was less than enthusiastic and I apologize 15 million times over for not getting out there and playing with you Laurie...but we would not have taken pictures...too early for that!! =) But you know I love you! And I really am sorry...but moving on.
So after she woke me up and I crawled back in bed after seeing it, I called Nathan to wake him up to look at it...he was like me less than enthusiastic but I couldn't blame him...so he went back to sleep too. After I called him I called Seth and told him to look out his hotel door and this was his exact expression "OH MY ITS SNOWING IN MONTGOMERY!!!". It was great! I loved it!! After I was done making the phone calls I went ahead and got up and got dressed for church. I went and got Nathan and the whole way to his house I just enjoyed viewing all the snow everywhere!! It was crazy to be driving down I-85 and see snow covering everything! It was GREAT!!
After church got out Me, Laurie, Louise, Dirt, Nathan, Rachael, Seth, and Kristen all went to Louise and Dirt's to hang out until Walker, Kristen and Samantha got out of late service. Which meant photo session with everyone at Louise's house!! =) Below are some of the pics I snapped! I wish I had gotten one of Louise and Seth having a snowball fight running around Dirt's truck! It was hilarious!!
Posted by Leigh at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Laurie's Day =)
Well yesterday was Laurie's big day! But lets back track to Sunday...It Snowed YAY!! It was exciting! And Laurie was so so excited!! She came home, woke me up and I walked outside and then went right back inside and got back in bed...that was NOT how she had envisioned the morning going at all!! In fact she envisioned it going she would pick me up and we would go over to Louise's and we would all play in it together...No didn't happen! 1st thing that started the day off way wrong...I know I really should've given her more but I really was exhausted from working all weekend and not getting a lot of sleep...I know still not a good excuse!
Well all last week she was avoiding having to drink the "throw up mix" as she would call it. Well Sunday afternoon came and it was time for her to start drinking it. She was ill and irritated bc she had not been able to eat since midnight the night before she started the liquid grossness and couldn't eat again until Tuesday afternoon/night...so yes that is 3 whole days on a clear liquid diet...which if you know Laurie...well if yo know any of the 3 of the Walker girls we can hold our own on food! :) (Ask Dirt...I think he really got a wake up marrying into our family!) So needless to say she was miserable! Well after church we all went and took pictures in the snow and then Laurie went home when we left to go eat. After lunch Nathan and I went to his house, got his Wii and went to the house. I walked back to Laurie's room and she was already in tears and she hadn't even started drinking the liquid! I was so sad for her...but I let her cry for a few minutes and she was upset bc her universal remote wasn't working. So I sent Nathan to the store to get a new remote. He came back and set it up for us so we could watch all the movies we wanted in her room. ***Side note here...Nathan was such a trooper! He stayed in the other room the whole day and played wii and took a nap so that I could stay back there with Laurie and help her!**
Well the time finally came at 3:30 for her to start drinking the throw up mix....and well she did GREAT!! I was pleasantly surprised that she took it so quickly and without a lot of hesitation! (I mean granted she fought me for a little bit about it but we compromised at 3:30 that she would start drinking it! She did really good and drank about 3/4 of all the liquid! (Which was a lot better than last time...and she didn't throw up this time or as much this time as she did the last!)
Monday morning finally got here and I got up and went in her room to check on her and she was so cheerful and in such a good mood, I was shock....Last time I had to take her she cried the whole way to the hospital! So this was a pleasant surprise! (Which in her defense..last time the whole appointment was just kinda thrown on her with no time to really prepare! So this time she had a good week to ponder on it!) We got to the hospital at 8 so she could do some extra test before the colonoscopy. Ended up that they could do the test when she went back for the procedure so we just waited an extra hour for her thing...which was pretty fun. Mom and Dad got there about 9 and her appt was at 9:30. About 9:45 she went back!
As soon as she went back mom and I left to go run all of her money errands that had to be done that day! And by the time we went to the school to pick up her paycheck and to all 3 banks when we got back to the hospital she had just went to recovery. Also while we were gone, Keisha, Laurie's best friend from work, showed up to sit and wait. (She was the one that went with me last time when I had to take her.) She was great! I was so glad she was there...and Laurie doesn't even hardly remember her being there...and she was there all day long...from the hospital and then came to the house for about 4 hours after the hospital!
When she got out of the procedure and went into recovery she was a bit emotional! Which is nothing new but this time she was jerking alot and that was not normal. I look at the nurse and I could tell by their look of surprise this was not supposed to be happening. So they asked us to please go back out into the waiting room while they worked on her. She was back there for about 2 hours and finally we got to go back to see her and get her ready for discharging. So we finally got her out about 1:30 pm. (Yes we were there at 8am :))
We got home and put her in the bed and had some fun conversations that she does not remember and gave her some Gatorade and some chicken broth and she was out til the Bachelor last night and I woke her up to come in the living room to watch with me, Leslie and Nathan...and well see my 1st blog today to see how I felt about the Bachelor!!!
I am so glad Laurie is feeling better and we are celebrating eating at Jason's deli as soon as she gets done with the dr. this afternoon at 3:30. :) Thanks for all the prayers and everyone that has checked on her!! Its greatly appreciated!!
Posted by Leigh at 9:12 AM 3 comments
So I am officially over stinkin Jason Meznick...I just am so mad that he did that to Melissa and in front of the WHOLE STINKIN WORLD!!! And then his reasoning for doing that was because he had agreed that his relationship would be in front of the camera so he had to do that in front of the camera!! WELL WHY THE CRAP DID ALL THE OTHER FAILED BACHELOR COUPLES BREAK UP OFF CAMERA?!?!? AND REALLY MELISSA WAS SO RIGHT THAT HE DIDNT WANT TO MAKE IT WORK WITH HER...AND I WAS GLAD SHE LEFT WITH CLASS!! (If you can't tell it really made me mad!!!) And molly, well she is an idiot and should have left him on his butt with no one...she is just a poor man's Melissa!!! (That is a direct quote from Wedding Planner except its a poor man's mary in the movie!! =) I am a nerd I know!!) Well I just needed to vent about that for a minute and I can not wait to see what tonight's After the Rose Part 2 is about! I am sure its about stupid little Molly and Jason's relationship!! Ridiculous!!!
Posted by Leigh at 8:58 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
My Weekend with the boys!! =)
On Friday Dirt, Nathan and I had thrown around the idea about going to watch Samantha play in the quarter finals at Andrews College in Cuthbert, GA. Louise was going to be out of town doing the Prison Ministry Workshop in Birmingham so Dirt was flying solo. :) We had all discussed it and decided that if we hurried we could all leave at 5 on the dot and get there in time to at least see the 2nd half of the game...well after texting GinGin about our plan she quickly said that would not be the case...so I started texting Nathan asking him if he could get off any earlier. He said he would see and by 4:30 he called and said he was at home and showering! I was pumped! I had talked to Dirt and he was on his way to his house so I went and got gas and went to pick up the boys. Nathan, who lives literally right behind Louise and Dirt, walked over and Dirt jumped in the car and we were off! Excited, car full of gas and Nathan driving we were officially on our way! I was so excited...Dirt was in a super good mood and Nathan was excited too! Walker was also going to the game but left earlier so he could see the whole game! (3:30 was too earlier for all of the worker bees. Man I wish so much I was still in college on days like that!)

Me and Kristen and her rockin hot new hair cut...ok well maybe not new but new to me!! I love it!
All in all it was a great night Friday night! Saturday was Scholars' Day here at Faulkner so I was up and at the school by 8 that next morning! Then after Scholars' Day, Dirt and I went to the Faulkner basketball game and Nathan came and met us when he got off. That night we (Me, Louise, Dirt and Nathan) went to try a new Mexican restaurant and I was not too impressed. Then I was exhausted and layed on Nathan's couch and fell asleep while watching a movie then headed home after it was over.
Sunday was great and Shawn, Mindy, Katie, Jessie, and Gavin were all in town for scholars day so Sunday afternoon Me, Nate and Louise went and met them at Red Lobster and it was delicious! Dirt had prison ministry Sunday afternoon and Laurie was sleeping since Sunday night we had our Young Professionals and Elders get together after church. It went over so good! It was great to get to meet all the elders and talk to them about what we want to do and our ideas we have for doing the Lord's work! It was very uplifting! All in all it was a great weekend! Sorry its so long and sorry I have not posted lately... :)
Posted by Leigh at 8:29 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I thought I would let you know...
On facebook this thing has been going around about 25 random facts about you and I thought I would write a few random facts about me for all of my blogger friends to read! So here goes nothing...it might be less than 25 or more than 25...writing it while I am at work and thinking so who knows how long it will be.
1. I work at Faulkner and I work with my 2 sisters. Everyday I am becoming more and more aware of how lucky I really am. Not only do I get to see my sisters everyday, i meet people who know other people who can hook me up...for instance today I met a guy whose neice works at Disney World and he told me whenever I was down in the area to let him know and she could get me in for free!! I mean really how great is that?????
2. I have the absolute best family ever!! My daddy was and has never been perfect but he has been the most amazing daddy ever. My mom is the most caring and giving person I have ever met...she will give everything she has to make the 3 of us girls happy and anyone else for that matter. My oldest sister is by far my biggest fan...she doesnt always agree with everything I do but I know without a doubt she loves me almost more than life itself. And last but not least my sister Louise, She is amazing...she is alot like mom in the sense that she will give everything she has and can to anyone and everyone...and she does Jail ministry and is amazing at it!
3. I have a lot of really good friends but I would say only a handful of true best friends...2 of which are my sisters...
4. I have been in 5 weddings in the past 3 years...my 5th will be in August for my friend Ashley Davis...one thing that I love about hers is I absolutely love our bridesmaids dresses.
5. I consider myself one the best present buyers ever...especially for Christmas. I listen up all year long to hear what everyone really wants and regardless of what it takes they normally get it. I love to see the faces when they open it and they are totally surprised!
6. I think Beverly Strange is one of the most amazing women and has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever met. And she is really good at giving advice. =) And really good at just listening...which is nice to have sometimes instead of always having someone give their opinion on what you need to do.
7. I love reality tv...well really just the Bachelor. I am totally addicted.
8. I do not know how I would function without my TIVO/DVR. Me and my roommates lives revolve around our TV shows so its nice to be able to have a life and still catch up on TV. Its the greatest invention ever!!! =)
9. I am very OCD about my clothes and my stuff...for example my shower stuff...I know when things are moved becasue I memorize where exactly I put things so next time I can tell if its been used...I know crazy but OCD bc I don't like supplying everyone with my personal shower stuff.
10. I am one of the pickiest eaters you will ever meet. My 2 favorite foods...Pizza and Mexican! :)
11. I worked 2 years for a professional baseball team. The Montgomery Biscuits...some of the best memories and worst all in one but nonetheless some good times and good friends made!
12. I have been to Alaska and Hawaii but haven't been past louisianna and North Carolina in the mainland USA...(I know Alaska may be mainland but its stuck on the end...you get what I am trying to say...)
13. My mom had a stroke at the young age of 45. I was in Hawaii when it happened and I found out 2 days after it happened through a family email...they were trying to keep it from me til I got home so my vacation wouldn't be ruined. Good intentions but man was I upset...now looking back...they know whats best.
14. I am going to be going to England in September to visit my best friend Ashley Peebles. I absolutely can not wait! I have always wanted to go to England but ever since Louise went with the study abroad program here at Faulkner I have really wanted to go!!!
15. I am turning 24 in July and that seems so very hard to believe...seems like just yesterday I was celebrating my 16th birthday party..
16. I love green dinosaurs and yes GReen is my favorite color! =)
17. I am definitely a parent lovin girlfriend...I always have no problem getting along with the parents of the boys I date...its something about always getting along with the boys themselves. ;) This one is working out better than any other relationship has...as far as with him and his amazing family.
18. I knew I wanted to come to Faulkner since I was 7 years old and sitting in the GA recruiters lap...who at that time was Keith Mock...that tell you how long Keith has been with Faulkner?!?!? :)
19. When I graduated highschool I had a complete plan for my life...none of it has gone as planned except me graduating college in 4 years and I think that was just a flook! :)
20. I will be rich enough one day to be able to go and travel and see the world.
21. I love baseball. I majored in Sports Management and have a feeling one day I will end up working back in sports...but right now I am loving my job at Faulkner. Hopefully that will move to a job in sports...(Here's to hoping right?!?!)
22. I have recently gotten involved with scrapbooking...my boyfriends mom is amazing at it and my first full scrapbook I completed was for my mom's 50th scrapbook...and not bragging but its amazing. I could not have done anything near that without the help of Mrs. Jacki.
23. Melissa Lester and her blog and really her life in general makes me feel like I am the least domesticated person in the world...I know she deosn't try to but she is so good with everything she does!! And her blog shows it...if you don't view hers you definitely need too.
24. I have learned that you can not always be friends with everyone. As hard as you may try sometimes you just may not get along with everyone and its ok...you do not have to be friends with everyone.
25. I LOVE all types of chapstick...its kinda an obsession I have.
26. I love all things mini size. Everything is just so darn cute mini sized! (Except those MINI coopers...not a fan of those...when it comes to cars I want the full size ones! :))
27. And thats all I can think of for now...maybe I will just keep updating til I have the 100 like everyone else..I can not think of 100 random things about me! :)
Posted by Leigh at 9:18 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
My Weekend....
...was great! Nate and I went to Adairsville to see his parents and his sister for his sisters birthday. :) We were leaving friday right after Nate got off work so I left work about 3:30 on Friday in order to get everything I needed to get done finished up. I had to go and get her present from radio shack then I headed over to YOU NAME IT to see Brooke to get her to wrap it for Emily. While I was there I saw the cutest Southern Belle shirt that said, "When life gives you lemons, put them in your sweet tea and thank God you are a Southern Belle". How cute is that?!?!? i was a little nervous if she would like that or not but evidently she did because she wore it SAturday and Sunday!! I was excited! She was turning 15 and she is not a prissy girl by any means but she is not the tom boy girl either...so needless to say when she liked it I felt very accomplished!
The overall weekend was great and very relaxing...its always so nice to go to his house because there are never any set plans made for us. If we just want to stay in our pj's all day on Saturday and not do anything we can and its absolutely wonderful!! =) So I guess that is about it for my life...today anyways!
Posted by Leigh at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Life or Something Like it...
...as I sit here and think about how I wish so many things were different in my life and how my life would be so much better if some things were different I think about how lucky I am. I went and sat through a 21 year old boy's funeral yesterday...made me think maybe my life isn't so bad. I see my sisters best friends going through so much from losing a sweet precious little baby girl to now finding out her new precious baby girl may have serious problems too. I have an Aunt who waited and did everything right and has my beautiful and wonderfully blessed Cousin Jessica who has down syndrome. I just wonder sometimes why things happen to some people...good people who did everything right.
Now with having said that...I think Laurie's best friend Melissa is amazing! She is so strong and with everything that she is faced with I feel like she becomes more and more amazing and stronger...oh how I hope I can be as strong as she has been if anything like that happens to me. Gin-Gin and Uncle Kenny are AMAZING with Jessica! And there is not a child more loved than that little 8 yr old piece of Heaven! Everything happened so quick with Jessica and its like Gin-Gin and uncle Kenny never even blinked an eye to it. And honestly I don't think anyone else could've and still do raise and treat Jessica any better! She is a lucky girl and I think everyone would agree that we are all more blessed by having her in our lives.
The 21 yr old officer that died here in Montgomery...well I am just perplexed. It is the farthest thing from your mind to think about a police officer dying from anything but a job related injury...but he did. It was no one's fault, there is no one for the family to be mad at..it was just a horrible accident. As I sat there at the funeral yesterday I observed so many things. I watched his mom and all of his family and thought how proud they must've been of him. I watched his fiancee' sit there and it was just like it was pure unbelief on her face. I just can't imagine being in either positiion. Losing a child...I don't know what it is like having a child of my own flesh and blood to begin with but I can not imagine losing one of my sisters. And as for losing my finacee'...I just can't imagine it!
I say all that not to say I am going to stop taking risk or going to stay in my house and never leave, but I say it to say I am going to stop taking life for granted. And stop assuming the most important people are always going to be around and start living for God and today! :)
And an added side note is talking about not taking Life for granted...michelle is on the brink of having baby Morgan! I am super super excited! Her little nursery is precious and I am just so excited for Michelle and Justin. So I am saying that to say Michelle I'm pumped about Morgan and its going to be so exciting when she gets here!!
Posted by Leigh at 7:30 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Previous post....
Becasue I am too lazy...you can read the labels and try to figure out the pictures that go with them! :) Sorry I know I should but work has been crazy and I was lucky to get that much done today! So just consider it a game!! Love ya'll! More to come later!
Posted by Leigh at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Louise's Surprise Party
Louise blowing out her candles!
Louise and her cake that Rayla made for her!! It was sooooo GOOD!!
My decorations with our partylite stuff we just got!! I loved it!!
The whole group....sorry its a bit blurry!!
Some of the guest...watching while Louise was opening presents!
Cute Michelle!! We are so ready for Morgan to get here!
Louise opening her favorite present from me and Laurie!!
The boys got a little bored with what we were doing....(Look at the next picture)
What happens when the 3 of us get together and start rehashing all the memories! See Laurie can be a cheerleader too...(Amy and Audrey I thought ya'll would appreciate me posting this picture!)
Well as Louise's birthday has now came and went...it was great! We had the best weekend! (With the exception daddy was not here...but its nice to have just us girls together!) So lets just start with her birthday on Thursday!
Thursday morning I brought her and Janet and Michelle breakfast, and Laurie brought her flowers! so already its started off pretty good! Then her co-workers cooked her lunch and made her a delicious strawberry cake! It was fun and when the work day was over it was great! So after work, I ran home to clean like a mad woman before we had everyone over for Louise's surprise party. During the day I had gotten in touch with Kristen McCants and Michelle and Justin Bond to come over for just a little party....And I forgot to mention the biggest surprise is MOM!! She got to the house about 6:30 and helped me finish up cleaning and Nathan met us at the house too. We ran to the store and then came home and made all the stuff real quick and the guest arrived at 7:30. We sat there and waited on Laurie, Leslie, Dirt, and the guest of honor to get there. They were all at the basketball game but I thought they were leaving at half time. Well an hour later we realized that they were not leaving early...but it was fine because while they were at the game they found Walker and his friend Todd to come "eat cookies" with us. (That was the lie we told Louise to get her to come to the house... :) We are so sneaky!)
Finally they all arrived and Louise was shocked that her Friends were there but she was totally floored that mom was there. She wasn't expecting her til Friday; she was coming on the 16th for Jewels that Laurie was speaking in. (There is a blog by itself coming on that....) So all around it was great and we got to spend a lot of good girl family time together! It was nice to do...and no fighting if you can believe that! :)
Posted by Leigh at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Well its finally here....Louise's 2nd Christmas :) I dont even know where to start with her blog dedication! She is truly amazing!! I have never met a more kinda and loving soul! She is always the one that will listen...but be ready becasue she will always tell you what is right...not always what you want to hear. But I love that about her. She has always been the quiet one, very reserved and always the perfect one growing up. but since college, and especially since marriage, she has really came out of her shell. She is everything and so much more than whats on Laurie's blog and really louise will be the easiest out of all of us to find stuff to write about...She is just amazing. We are so blessed to have her in our lives and if you know her...so are you!!
Love you Louise and Hope you have a MAGNIFICENT birthday!!
I second all the "25 Things about Louise" in Laurie's blog!!
Posted by Leigh at 12:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Our New Roomie...AKA "Suga Momma"
So this blog is dedicated just to Leslie! She is great!! She has brought so so soooo many great things to my life and I think to Laurie's life also! When Ashley told us that she was moving out, Laurie and I started talked about how we needed to have a 3rd roommate to help us with rent and utilities. It just works better that way. So we started our selective looking. (Side Note: For those of you that just know the sweet Laurie and I...well living with us is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE!!! You get the little bit of good, the BAD AND THE UGLY!! Not saying we are bad roommates, neither of us have lived with other people than siblings in a LONG LONG time so we are accustomed to each other and each others ways and its hard for us to get in the habit of changing them when other people move in.) So in our selective looking, through girls nights we had both gotten to know Leslie better and better and both decided she would be a good roommate. So we talked to her and she told us she was looking for some where to live right now too! So mid-December she moved in. Its a little cramped having me, Laurie, Ashley and her dog Maya, Leslie and George but its only til the end of January and we can live with that.
Yesterday I was having just a blah day (refer to my post below and it will explain itself) and she text me about 11ish and told me that we were going to eat mexican and that she was going to pay. And since I am broke as a joke right now that was a GREAT thing to hear. So not only did she take me out to eat she took laurie too. WHich alone was sweet enough. And it just made me feel better to just be able to sit and talk with her and Laurie. It was nice. Then last night, I worked late working on JEWELS (Faulkner's girls youth rally they host every year) and when I got home our "suga momma" had got pizza for us too!! (Another side note....my 2 favorite dishes...Mexican and Pizza!!!) I was so excited.
All of this to say that she is amazing and I am so glad she and George are in our lives! :) They bring a lot of sanity and good food to our household!! Love you Les!!! Thanks for being a great friend and cheering me up yesterday!
Posted by Leigh at 8:51 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Its just one of those days....
I am just in a funky mood today. Not happy but not sad either...just kinda blah. Know that feeling I am talking about? That I just want to lay in bed and watch sappy girl movies day...that is my feeling today. Not really sure why, I don't have any reason to be in this mood but I just am. So needless to say, it is taking some hard self motivation to make me work today.
But I think now would be a great time to blog about one friend that has really been around a while but she is like a fine wine...she only gets better with time :) (Ok its cheesy and I don't drink at all much less wine so I really wouldn't be that good of a wine consesour (sp???) but I hear the older it is the better...but only hearsay.)Ashley Peebles has been the most amazing friend the past few months especially!! She has always been one of my best friends but lately she has really came through for me! Just today I was telling her about what a blah day I was having and her response was for me to think about all the wonderful things I have in my life....a wonderful and healthy family, a great boyfriend, the best friends a girl could ask for, me being healthy, and to be living in the best country in the world! And she is right. I am so blessed far beyond what I deserve!!! But I look up to Ashley so so much! In so many different ways I do. Her marriage with Daniel is amazing and I would kill to have that kind of marriage. They truly love each other so much and both of them are so much fun and they have so much fun together. That's what I want. And she is an amazing mother. She has so much fun with Charley and Colin. I know that she longs for some adult time because about 85% of her life right now is spent with toddlers but I think deep down and I know she wouldn't trade it for the world. And I love that about her. For all of you that don't know she is living in England with her husband and 2 little ones. She is extremely happy I know but I also know it gets hard being so far away from all of their family and friends. And even if all that is sad and getting her down at times she is still so positive and I feel bad even complaining to her! :) But hopefully here within the next 6 months we will be visiting her and the kiddos and Daniel to keep her company! But I just wanted to blog for a minute and let her know how appreciated she is and how much I love and miss her!! :) Love you Ash and thanks for making my day better! :)
Posted by Leigh at 8:04 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Weddings and Baby Showers!
I mean this in the nicest way possible but I am in another wedding and wasn't really thrilled until we went and picked out dresses!!! (YEs for those of you counting that is 5 in the past 3 years! :)) These are the prettiest bridesmaids dresses I have ever seen and I actually get to wear it! :) I am pumped! My friend Ashley Davis, who was one of my roommates in college is getting married on August 22nd! Below is the picture of the dress in the same color as we will be wearing it in.
Today we had Michelle Bond's or should I say Morgan Bond's shower at Faulkner! Michelle is so stinkin cute pregnant!! She is ready for Morgan to be here and hopefully she should be here by Feb. 7th if not before!! So Valentine's will be her 1st holiday!! :) Michelle got the cutest stuff today!! I mean really, showers really are great!! I love looking at all the cute little girlie clothes and blankets!! It makes me have baby fever....except not for me...for Louise :) LOL JK. No pressure Louise, Daddy has Iland for now so he should be good for another 3 or 4 years hopefully. And surely by then you will be ready to have some kiddos running around! :) But today was fun! Hope all is having a good week! Love all!
Posted by Leigh at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
New Year, New Goals and Resolutions!
So as I previously told you I was going to blog every day this week so I am! So here goes nothing...this one will be semi serious! So get ready!
So there are many things that I hope 2009 brings for me! i want this year to be the best year I have ever had...and in doing so its going to take a little changing on my part. So below are some goals, or resolutions that i want for 2009!
1. My relationship with God to be stronger. I wouldn't consider my relationship with God bad by any means, but we could all be a little closer than we are...always room for improvement in that area! :)
2. My relationship with my family. This past year has been hard and stressful because of 2 main factors, my job and Nathan. My job has me very stressed out and busy 90% of the year. So around Christmas time is the only time I really get to relax and not stress. :) And well Nathan because we just started dating this year and with a new boyfriend comes a new person thrown into the mix and well going from when it was just me and Laurie, to now me and Nathan and hardly any Laurie, I am going to do better. I feel like we are out of that stage, I mean granted I like being around him obviously or I wouldn't be with him! :)
3. My outlook on my job! I have an amazing and wonderful job!! I really do love it and I take it for granted alot. I know there are alot of times that I absolutely hate it but overall it really is the best job and I am going to start trying to be more positive!
4. Keeping in touch with my friends and family that aren't in Montgomery! :) I promise I know this is a BIG one and I am really going to try my hardest to do better about this!!
5. Keeping my house clean and decent! Right now it is crazy at our house! We have Ashley who is soon to be moving out and Leslie who moved in already and Laurie and I who are a little unorganized to begin with! :) Hopefully though things will start to settle down here within the next couple of weeks and we will all be a little bit better. We took some of Christmas down so it has already started to feel more spacious! :)
6. This is one that I am really going to have to work hard at. My attitude. I have the rottenest attitude sometimes and I am thoroughly aware of it (personally and Louise and Laurie are quick to remind me! :)). I am the baby and I am spoiled. I am a daddy's girl to the fullest except recently have became a slight momma's girl! I guess its funny how that changes for girls as they grow up...they start to need their momma a little bit more than they used too! But I am going to do my best to work on my attitude and have a "Heart of a Servant" some would say :)
7. Do something little for one person every week just so they know someone is thinking about them. There is this woman that works at the school in the cafe and 2008 had to have been the worst year ever for her. She lost her new born baby and her momma all in the same year. I can not imagine her pain and suffering that she has gone through! (Keep her in your prayers too....Mrs. Diane is her name) But Louise and i were talking at lunch and she is one I think we are both going to go out of our way to try and make things better for her. I am sure Laurie will want to participate in this too since she was close to her also! (And yes if you were wondering we LOVE the cafe ladies and they LOVE us!! If you dont believe us....just take a gander back to all 3 of our college days pictures! Laurie's especially!! LOL Just kidding Lauriee!! :)
8. Be more thankful and giving! I am blessed far beyond belief! And do not deserve everything nor everyone I have in my life! I am richly blessed with an amazing family and wonderful friends! I have a boyfriend that loves me and whose family does too! I could not be anymore blessed than I am! I am also going to follow in my big sisters footsteps and be better about sending cards! I know that snail mail is the best thing I get, and everyone I have talked to loves it too! So I am going to do my best to stay on top of my card writing!
9. And finally I am just going to be happy! As much as I possibly can! And try not to let every little thing bother me! Happiness is a decision. The happiest people don't always have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything! :)
Well I think 9 things for 2009 is enough! So I will leave you with some words of wisdom from my papa and daddy....WE WERE GREAT IN 2008 SO LETS BE FINE IN 2009!!! :):)
Posted by Leigh at 10:47 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The holidays...
...are officially over! :( A little bittersweet for me bc they were amazing this year! I know I am a little behind so instead of writing one REALLY REALLY long blog I am going to break it up and blog each day this week and hopefully that will take care of everything I need to catch everyone up on!
Today's Topic is Christmas! There is not a word to better describe my Christmas excpet wonderful!! In fact it just finished up this past Sunday!! But I will start back at the beginning. :)
We started out going to the Transiberian Orchestra on SAturday the 21st of Decemeber. It was amazing!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Me, Mom, Dad, and Laurie all went. After that we met Louise and Dirt for dinner then Dirt had to head back to Montgomery while the 3 of us girls headed to TRenton with Mom and DAd. The next 3 days would be so much fun!! Sunday we went to church with mom and dad and Sunday night I got to see Nate's mom and Dad and sister bc they came to chruch at Trenton to pick up Nate's big preent that I had found down in Montgomery but that she needed to have before he got home for Christmas! So they came and it was great seeing them, then after chruch Momma had her lady's ornament swap party and all 3 of us were there and it made her soooo happy!! We played some fun games and found out alot about some people we didnt know! (All good things of course!!! :)) Then Monday we got up and drove to GRandma's house for Christmas with mom;s side of the family. It was really really good to see them and get to spend some time with them. I haven't seen them in a year at least so it was good. And I think it made Grandma's whole year. We left there Tuesday afternoon to go and finish up some Christmas shopping and then headed home to get some shut eye before our family Christmas. Dirt arrived in Trenton that night and I don't think I have seen daddy any happier to see another male!! The estrogen was a bit much for him for 4 days!! We got up and had Christmas Wednesday morning (Christmas Eve day) and it was so amazing!! Mom and Dad did entirely too much as they always do but it was greatly appreciated!! Faulkner will be loving my new work clothes in the coming weeks!! :)
Nate drove to the house and met us after we had opened our gifts so we could open our gifts with him! It was fun and brunch was amazing!! After brunch, Nate and I left to go to his house for the rest of the week. That day we left we had his Dad's side of the family Christmas. They play dirty santa on both his mom and dad's sides so not as much money is spent. The Woodring side holds nothing back when playing Dirty Santa so it was sooo much fun! That night after everyone had left Nate's house (thats where the woodring christmas was held) we all just kinda settled down and got all the last minute things done for Santa to come the next morning! And needless to say he did!! Santa did GREAT for me all the way around!! I am very blessed with my family and Nate's family! That Friday and saturday were filled with Wedding stuff bc Nate's cousin was getting married and he was singing in the wedding. So ew had to do the rehearsal thing and the actual ceremony. But all was well and Nate knew it was going to be a rough 2 days for me so he planned the best day ever for me on Saturday!! He was the sweetest boy on Saturday!! (If you want details I will be more than happy to tell but its a little lengthy for the blog! That would be a blgo in itself!) And Sunday we went to church and just visited some more with his family! He had to work again on Monday but I was still off for another week so I was still pretty excited!!
on Monday we fed the Basketball team from Faulkner. (We being me, laurie, and louise.) It was fun but man by the time it was over I was exhausted! But me and laurie were not through!! We went and dog or puppy hunted at the shelters for a little puppy for Devin! And found one and came home with Lucy!! (See Laurie's blog for pictures!!) Dev was the happiest little boy I have ever seen! It definitely was the best gift of christmas! The rest of the week went by so fast and was spent being lazy and washing and packing in preparation to leave for Valdosta on Friday.
Dirt, Louise, Nate, and I all loaded up at 6 and headed down to Valdosta! We got there about midnight and we had so much fun!! Saturday we had breakfast with the family and then visited for the rest of the day til dinner time when we met at Gin-Gin's for mexican night!! It was delicious!!! Saturday night we played the wii til nearly 11 and Louise and Dirt fell in love with it! I fell in love with the wii fit...and Nate has a wii so a wii fit will be invested in! And louise and dirt fell so much in love with it that the actually bought one last night! :) It was much needed I am sure for them! Gives louise something fun to do besides clean and scrapbooking and card making....even though this may slow her craftiness down! :) haha just kidding louise! But Sunday we got up and went to church with Papa and Nana. Nate led singing and papa preached! It was great! Sunday afternoon we had lunch and Christmas!! Both of which was amazing!! :) WE ended up staying for church adn then some much needed fellowship time at the best mexican restuarant ever....El Toreo! Then it was back to montgomery and all Christmas was over...last night the Christmas tree even came down with some help from Leslie, Ashley and Brooke...and Nate for dragging it out to the road for me! :)
I was sad to have to come back to work beacuse I really feel as if I need to be independently wealthy and not have to work! :) Don't we all though!! Well I will update more later! And I will post just a blog with pictures!! :)
Posted by Leigh at 7:32 AM 3 comments