Friday, May 28, 2010
Welcome to Chick fil A World!

Posted by Leigh at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Blessed beyond BELIEF!
So today started out pretty normal, with the exception of a meeting, and I got a phone call from Laurie saying......SHE IS A MATCH FOR JANET!!! SHE CAN GIVE JANET ONE OF HER KIDNEYS!!! Go here to read the whole story. I do not know how people don't believe in God after seeing something like this. God is so good! :)
Also another side note is Laurie leaves today to go on a mission trip to the Philippines....PLEASE PLEASE keep her, my dad, and my grandparents in your prayers over the next few weeks! Laurie has a lot to do when she gets back! So with all that said please just Keep and Laurie and Janet and her family in your prayers.
Posted by Leigh at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Labels: God, love, selfless giving
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The blog I have been dreading to write....

This is from Halloween too! I was a cowgirl (I know how original :)) And she was an Army Wife....fitting right?? :)

This is from when we went to Adairsville to see Nate's family and get our hair done :) This is one of my favorite pictures of us!
This is from the Rodeo....that was a fun night! :)
This was right after she got home....she went with Laurie, Louise, Dirt, and I to have family pictures done! :)
Well that is a good wrap of the year....So Taylor I hope you know how much you mean to me and I am so blessed to have you in my life! I am excited for you that you get to see Blake in a month and I know that I will be seeing you in Germany. You are the best friend I could've ever asked for!! Thank you so much for making this year so so great!! Love you so so much!! And I will miss you more than you know!
Posted by Leigh at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Labels: best friends, life, love, missing friends.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
That is something I typically do not like! I do not like having to get away from my everyday normal life and CHANGE what I do. I like for things to be the same. I do not live on the edge. And I am happy that way. I do not feel like I have to risk my life to feel like I am living. However, its getting to the time in my life when everything is starting to change. Family is growing....everyday....brother-in-law, FIRST NIECE, and so on. Those are exciting things but still force change. Changes in family holidays, changes in traditions.
I am trying to learn to accept change more and try to be more positive about the changes that are happening in my life and that will be happening in my life really soon. I am nervous and excited all in one about everything going on but I know it is all in God's hand. There are very few in my family that adapt to change well and I hope for them they can strive to accept change better also. But one thing I am currently changing is my workout habit.....yes you heard that right. I do not like to workout/run/get my heart rate up at all!! I like to walk and well that is about it! But recently I went to the Dr. and they ran all the fun physical test on me and they determined my cholesterol was a little bit higher than it should've been. Not anywhere near a dangerous level but I am only 24 years old....if I don't stop it now it will be out of control by the time I am 40!!! So I have started to do kick boxing and step aerobics on Monday and Tuesdays, and walking with Louise every other day that I can. :) So lets just hope I can keep this up! :)
I hope everyone has a GREAT day!
Posted by Leigh at 7:14 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010
Posted by Leigh at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Important Things:
Ever really wondered what those really are? I have and well this weekend opened my eyes to some really important things! As I was sitting and listening to my daddy's lessons on Sunday morning I sat thinking of all the trivial things that I worry and stress over. You know that book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff....It's all Small Stuff" well I feel like I could write the book "I sweat over all stuff!" And it just really hit me that I really need to increase my true TRUST IN GOD!! It really made me think about how much trust with God really is a huge deal. I do trust in God with alot of stuff but I need to put all my trust in Him. And that will be hard for me. I do not like to have to depend on someone for stuff. I know I do depend on people for things but for the most part I like to have complete control of what i do and how it is done. I am at a HUGE turning point in my life when I will be making some BIG decisions and I will need God's guidance more than ever. So this is me asking for your prayers to help me TRUST God more and that I make the right decisions.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I just official had one of those moments....
I am in complete shock! It was one of those moments that you are just going along with life and then it just hits you....and you are completely taken off guard. Well that is how I am right now. Oh my the things people do. I am just shocked. The end.
Posted by Leigh at 7:32 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
The BIGGEST thing that happened....
Posted by Leigh at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Things happening....
So this is just going to be one of those random blogs to update about everything that is going on in my life....it's been busy around here for the past couple weeks so it has been hard to blog alot! Let's see where to start.....
- 2 Sunday's ago I went to the zoo with Morgan, Michelle, and Justin! It was so much fun! Morgan really had a good time I think! She was alert and loved looking at all the animals! And I had never been through the whole zoo before so it was my first time really ever going through the whole zoo! I am pretty proud of the Montgomery Zoo! Never knew they had that many animals!
- We are working on nailing down dates for Louise's baby showers! I know I say this alot but I am so excited about Baby Ellie! I sometimes just imagine what she will really look like...I feel like she is going to come out with this dark brown ringlet hair....ok I know she wont come out with it but I can imagine her at a year old with that hair! She has already made such an impact on our family! I just can't wait till I can actually hold her!
- I am working on a secret project for Louise and Baby Ellie! I just know they will both love it! :)
- I am thinking alot about my life and making decisions that will change my life in every way. I covet your prayers on those. I know to most people my decisions don't affect them and really never will but for me these are HUGE deals in my life and I just pray I make the right decisions and am able to glorify God with everyone.
- It was graduation this past weekend and all of my dad's side of the family was in town! It was so great to spend time with them! I really miss them. Crazy how after you grow up and move away how much you grow to miss the little things like seeing them everyday or GCS ball games....it's funny how much I miss Dasher sometimes.
Well I think that really sums it up. the next 4 months are going to be crazy and I feel like alot is going to be happening! I will keep you updated!
Posted by Leigh at 7:02 AM 6 comments
Labels: Baby Ellie :), friends, love