So last night after I was woke up at 2 A.M., I couldn't go right back to sleep so I started thinking about a good new blog that would be positive instead of negative, which at the time I was SOOO thinking negative! :) I decided that I was going to write a series of blogs about special people in my life that really just make my life better because they are in it. I am going to do one of these each week to reflect who has really impacted my life that week. :) So here are this weeks!
- Kinsley Fipps (And Jenn :)) She is so so so funny and so happy!! She is content to just be passed around because everyone wants to hold her and she just makes me smile! I am so glad I have been able to get to know Jenn and Corey and little Miss Kinsley :) And look at that cute can you not love her?!?!

4. My Nate :) Last but certainly not least is Nathan :) He has been great this week. He has just listened to me vent and that is so nice. Sometimes I don't want advice on how to handle things I just want to vent! A lot of people don't understand that and so it's a little frustrating at times but I know that sometimes that is why people vent. But I love him for putting up with my moods and mean words sometimes and still loving me back :) I am a pretty lucky girl.
So stay tuned for next week special people :)
(And please don't be offended if you didnt make this weeks post! I just don't want to have a NOVEL for everyone to have to read...and they won't come back for more. :))