...start a new hobby. Or just have a hobby period! :) I have always loved taking pictures and I have honestly thought before that I would LOVE to learn how to use a good camera and REALLY KNOW HOW TO USE IT, like with the lighting and settings and all that jazz! And so this weekend I had an epiphany, well Me, Michelle, and Louise all had an epiphany :), that I should look into photography classes. Michelle said that she would let me use her camera so I didn't have to buy one right out of the gate. I am so excited about it! There are a couple different classes I am looking at but I think right now, for finances and since I have ANOTHER huge chunk of money that is about to start being used (I will blog about that more in detail after I find out more details :)), I will just take the least expensive classes to just learn how to get the most use out of the Nikon D40 I will be using. :) So anyways I am very excited and I just know it will be so fun!! :) I have a feeling my portfolio will be full of a little girl named Morgan and maybe just maybe some cute pregnancy shots :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I have decided to.....
Posted by Leigh at 8:08 AM 4 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Special people Part 4 :)
So in the midst of a busy week and heart wrenching week I forgot to update about my special people!

Posted by Leigh at 6:22 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My heart is hurting...
I have some friends I would really like all of you to remember in your prayers. They are going through some REALLY hard times right now and it just breaks my heart.
Also please remember me. I am having to make some big decisions and my heart is very heavy. I am trying to remember Romans 8:28 but it is difficult at times.
Posted by Leigh at 7:16 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Have you ever wondered.....
If people just settled with who they are married to or are planning to marry? I can't seem to wrap my mind around that. Who would want to just play it safe instead of risking it and having something completely wonderful?!?! I feel like I have seen a lot of people who have just settled with that "safe" girl who does love them completely and fully but the feelings aren't exactly the same "over the fence- homerun feeling". They are just those "I should love her because she loves me so much...and I know she will take care of me." men and I just hate that. Do you know anyone like that?
Posted by Leigh at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Today is a BIG day for me....
I have a really important appointment today and I am just asking everyone to pray for me. I am very nervous and I know I shouldn't be but I am. I will update after I get back from my appointment but hopefully my fun lunch should help calm my nerves a little bit.
Posted by Leigh at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
3rd Edition of Special People

Again stay tuned...I have honestly had more than 3 this week but I don't want them to be super long so I will write again on Monday! :)
Posted by Leigh at 8:54 AM 4 comments
Labels: Blessings
Monday, March 1, 2010
2nd Edition of Special People Post
So this weeks special people post will actually have 2 parts~One today and one at the end of the week!
- Katie Beth McCarthy! She has become one of my very best friends! She is so positive and always so uplifting! It is nice to be able to have a friend to vent to and share exciting news and her be just as excited as you are! She is amazing and I am so very blessed to have her in my life! Not to mention she has 3 of the cutest kids ever! :)

3. My Oldest Sister Laurie :) She is amazing. She absolutely amazes me by everything that she does. She always makes sure I am ok and if I am sick she always takes care of me. She lets me yell at her when I need to and lets me vent about stuff that just doesn't need to be venting to anyone other than family. I know whatever I say she is going to listen and that when I am in the wrong and need to be corrected she will correct me. It's hard to believe we have lived together for almost 5 years now. Crazy how time flies! It is nice to have someone that I can fight with and 5 minutes later be laughing and cutting up with. I am blessed beyond belief with the best BIGGEST sister ever :) Love you Laurie and thank you for everything!
Posted by Leigh at 1:38 PM 2 comments