Happy Birthday Sweet Ellie! I can't believe you are ONE today!!! I remember how your momma and daddy told us we were going to Aunt's! Your mom got all creative on us and made this cute home made card and I can remember thinking I am so excited and how i have prayed for this day and maybe even got the prison ministry people to pray for you too! :) But skip ahead 9 LONG months to the day you were born.
Oh how I remember sitting in the waiting room with all your grandparents and your aunt! Boy LaLa and I were so excited we could hardly stand it! Your mom gave us STRICT instructions to NOT wait outside the door so your LoLo made sure we didn't.....but LoLo couldn't stop us from "accidentally" walking by your momma's door and listening in. :) (Your mom may not even know that :)) But boy how happy we were when we got the news from your daddy with a picture text of your cute little self! Oh we were all filled with tears of joy!! We were so happy you were here safe and sound and your mommy did so good! Sooo many prayers were said that day by me, LaLa, LoLo, Mudge, MawMaw, Pawpaw and sooo many more! And still to this day you are always in my prayers and I am sure everyone else's too!
Ellie Jones you have brought more happiness to our family and to everyone you come in contact with! Your happiness radiates and I can't wait to continue to watch you grow up.
You have the most awesome mommy ever. Seriously. You will not find a better person than her. I know you won't figure this out for a long time but seriously she is the most wonderful mother/sister/wife I know. :) And your daddy well he is quite the mess :) He was my first brother and has been absolutely wonderful! He loves you to death little miss and let me tell you....I dread the first time you bring a boy to meet them! Oh my it's going to be a day you need to call your Leigh Leigh and she will come help! :) But your mommy and daddy have given your Uncle Nate and I a great example to follow as Christians and as husband and wife and maybe one day mother and father! ! :)
These are just a few pictures from the past year that I absolutely love and of people who absolutely love you! :) Happy Birthday sweet girl! You are loved more than you know!
(Excuse the pictures they are terribly out of order! :)
Michelle or Shell as you will probably call her thought you were the PERFECT little sister for Morgan! :)

Morgan thought so too! :)

Lolo and Ellie swimming! She loves the pool!

Your Leigh Leigh and LaLa love you so much!!!

You are the sweetest most precious thing!

I love this picture! :)

Your Uncle Nate loves you and Morgan so much! :) You gave him baby fever! :)

Ellie you were so precious at my wedding! I was so happy to have you in it!!

You weren't really stoked about sitting upfront with your daddy though :) So MawMaw to the rescue! :)

Oh your LaLa loves you so much! She swears her heart has grown 3 sizes bigger since you came along! :)

Your first beach trip! You loved the pool and didn't hate the ocean but I think you will love it more next year! :)

All the girls of the Walker side of the family! :)
You are mommy rotten to the core!! But sweet as sugar!

And oooh girl I just love that sweet little chubby face!

Again your La thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread!

You are so silly sometimes! I love it when you play back with us! :)

This look I just love so so much!!! I mean seriously you couldn't be any cuter!

You were quite the little model for us that weekend!

I love that innocent smile! :)

This was a photo shoot your mommy and I did for your daddy's first fathers day! :) Titus loves you....a lot! :)

Still this might be my all time favorite picture of you!!! Pure happiness!

Dr. Price took this picture of us at the Relay for Life in May! Just a few short months ago you didn't have that much hair! Now it's in your eyes!! :)

That's it I'm texting grandma! :)
MawMaw and PawPaw love you so much too! :) They have been down quite a bit since you were born! :)

Oh your Gin Gin can't get enough of you!

I got your some cabbage patch kids :) QVC special :)

Your Nana and Papa love you too!

Oh and your Mudge just thinks you are the greatest!

Sweet girl :)

Your Mudge and LoLo

Your LoLo loves you so much!

You were so little!

We were so excited.....your momma on the other hand....she was worn out!

This was right before your momma was admitted! Oh we were so excited!