Here are some pictures from our past 4 days!! She is the most beautiful little girl in the whole world!! I love her so so much and I cannot imagine loving anything more than her!!! So here are all the pictures! Sorry for not a lot of words but let's be honest, you would rather see the pictures anyways!!! And they aren't in order!! Sorry!
Here is little Miss Ellie this morning when I got to the hospital! She has had a hard day of feeding :)

Mommy and Ellie :)


Doesn't she look rockin?!?!?

She is really liking her paci :)

Seth and Miss Ellie :)

Morgan meeting Ellie and holding her :)

Michelle and Ellie :)

She is my little Princess!!! :) Can you guess who bought that hat for her??

Look at those whopper feet!!!! She gets those from her Aunt La!

Is she not the most precious thing we have ever seen?!?!?

Her Aunt Leigh Leigh loves her so so much!!! :)

Lindsey is getting ready! This will be her in the hospital before too long!

The proud grandparents!!! :)

Aunt La and Ellie :)

Right after she was born!! 8lbs. 11 oz. 20 1/2 inches long!

RIGHT after she was born!!

The boys came to see Louise!! :) They have Ellie's "It's a Girl" gum cigars in their mouths!

Sweet daddy and Ellie :) Already wrapped around his fingers!

Right when she came out.....I was glad my camera was in there with them!!

Right before she started pushing!

Me and Michelle waiting!

Ellie's dress she is going to come home in! :) Isn't it precious?!?!

This is at lunch right before Louise went to the Dr to be admitted into the hospital. Doesn't she look great?!?!

Dirt and Louise before the appointment :)

Dirt and Louise's hand's making a heart on Ellie :)

Morgan kissing Louise before leaving for the night!

The sisters before this precious little Ellie maked her appearance!

Well I hope you all enjoyed the pics! I am going to upload all of them on Facebook but these are a few of my favorites!!! :) Thanks for all the prayers!!