Friday, February 21, 2014

Words Matter

So things have been stressful the past couple of months.  So extremely stressful! I have felt like I was on a roller coaster of emotions, and before you ask, NO I am not pregnant I can assure you! :) I have just felt like everything in my life has been a bit more stressful that I have been used to! I have had a lot of people ask if I was ok or why I seem so sad recently and honestly I just have felt in a valley.  So I decided that I was just going to get out of regardless of what it took! But in the midst of my bad months weeks days I have been really hateful and hurtful with my words.  It is my downfall big time! And trust me I am ever so gently reminded by my loving sisters that I need to work on it.  So I say all that to say this post was on one of the blogs I follow and I thought it couldn't hit any closer to home.

Here is the link to read her blog:
Words Matter