Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another week has passed....

...so its time for another blog! Life has seemed to be so busy recently! this past weekend for Mother's day Louise, Dirt, Nathan and I got to go up and see Mom for mother's day! It was great to get to just be up there with no plans and just to hang out with her and play games. Nathan and I got there Saturday afternoon and met up with mom, dad, Dirt and Louise for Supper at Lalito's and it was delicious! Then we went home and sat for a few minutes then it was time for games...so while daddy worked on the last minute stuff for church we played Dominos and when dad got ready he came in and we started playing Hand and Foot partners! It was so much fun! (Dad and I were partners and of course we won!! =)) I really think it made mom's whole weekend us playing both games that she loves! And i wont lie it made mine and Louise's weekend pretty good too!! Sunday we got up and gave mom her Mother's day stuff and got ready for church. She looked so pretty! And you could tell she was so happy! We got to church and Nathan led singing and Dad delivered an AMAZING mothers day lesson! During the singing it was hard for Louise and I to sing because one of the ladies whose husband is in the hospital just cried through the whole thing...which you would've thought it was my husband the way I was crying! I finally had to have a heart to heart with myself and pull it together! It was ridiculous! After church we went and ate at Ichiban's which is comparable to Shogun and it was GREAT!!! Mom thoroughly enjoyed herself I think!

After that we did some visiting to the hospital and to one of mom and dads dear friends that is dying with Breast cancer. It was so sad to see how the disease has really taken a toll on her and her body. Made me that much more grateful to have my momma and that she is healthy and alive. Then we left her house to come back to the house long enough to change kiss mom and dad bye and get on the road to Nathan's house so he could see his momma.

We got to Adairsville in time to meet his family at church. I think his momma was so happy to see him she just about cried. She loves her baby boy that's for sure! They are always so excited when we come to town! After church was over we went and ate at El Napol (my FAVORITE Mexican place ever!!!) and it was GREAT!! (It was Mrs. Jacki's choice to go there by the way!) And I also got a free t shirt :) I was excited! We then went to their house and visited with them for a couple hours and gave Mrs. Jacki her mother's day present. Nathan and Emily got her a new cartridge for her Cricut machine and she loved it! We left there about 10:30 and headed home!

All in all it was a GREAT weekend!! I love getting to have stress-free weekends with my momma. She is amazing and I am so blessed to have her in my life! I love her so so so much and I hope her mother's day was the best ever!


The Holtons said...

Glad you all had a good week-end! ily

LaurieR said...

Glad ya'll had a good weekend too! Would've been nice to mention WHY Mom's other daughter wasn't there....guess she's just a bad kid. ;)

Don Walker said...

Thanks , gal! It was a great weekend for me too! Love you,